Customized and structured Reinsurance Solutions together with Industry Experts. The gamut of our solutions include Lapse Risk transfer, Morbidity and Longevity solutions and optimization of capital through smart risk transfer structures.Learn More
Insurance companies must routinely develop and deploy solutions that help them manage their capital positions. Reinsurance solutions, correctly deployed and structured, can provide an ideal solution as companies review their risk appetite and aim to achieve an optimal balance of risk within their business.
Along with our Reinsurance partners, we assess the clients’ needs, structure bespoke solutions that can effectively meet the clients’ objectives; and then execute these deals in a timely manner.
One of our key values is to structure the deals in a perfect reinsurance form, whilst meeting our clients and provides needs. Being a global firm, more often than not, we are brough in to create a bridge that routinely overcomes possible cross business cultural divides.
We do that while not losing focus on our partners long history of successful solutions across multiple markets.
Lapse Risk
- Reduce your SCR by ceding Mass Lapse Risk under a dynamic structure designed to meet the specific needs at a very competitive cost of capital.
Morbidity Risk
- Bespoke solutions tailor made for the client. Multiproduct coverage, including inflation risk, Long Term Care, etc. One client, one solution.
Longevity Risk
- From Longevity Swaps to Long Term Stop Loss, reduce the SCR by transferring Longevity Risk.
Other solutions have involved bespoke solutions which providing various forms of capital relief.
Across life insurance, annuities, disability income and health insurance, both on individual and group products.
Customized and structured Reinsurance Solutions together with Industry Experts. The gamut of our solutions include Lapse Risk transfer, Morbidity and Longevity solutions and optimization of capital through smart risk transfer structures.Learn More
Insurance companies must routinely develop and deploy solutions that help them manage their capital positions. Reinsurance solutions, correctly deployed and structured, can provide an ideal solution as companies review their risk appetite and aim to achieve an optimal balance of risk within their business.
Along with our Reinsurance partners, we assess the clients’ needs, structure bespoke solutions that can effectively meet the clients’ objectives; and then execute these deals in a timely manner.
One of our key values is to structure the deals in a perfect reinsurance form, whilst meeting our clients and provides needs. Being a global firm, more often than not, we are brough in to create a bridge that routinely overcomes possible cross business cultural divides.
We do that while not losing focus on our partners long history of successful solutions across multiple markets.
Lapse Risk
- Reduce your SCR by ceding Mass Lapse Risk under a dynamic structure designed to meet the specific needs at a very competitive cost of capital.
Morbidity Risk
- Bespoke solutions tailor made for the client. Multiproduct coverage, including inflation risk, Long Term Care, etc. One client, one solution.
Longevity Risk
- From Longevity Swaps to Long Term Stop Loss, reduce the SCR by transferring Longevity Risk.
Other solutions have involved bespoke solutions which providing various forms of capital relief.
Across life insurance, annuities, disability income and health insurance, both on individual and group products.